Silence is not the aim of meditation, peace, inspiration & healing are those most worthy of causes, but silence is part of that pathway of purpose as within the silence lies the OM, the sound of life itself.
The stillness within meets the action without, but it is transformed and transmuted to a stillness all around your soul and physical self. You are not overwhelmed by the turmoil of those around and you are invigorated by the power of nature - but not blown off course no matter the harshness of the elements. You now embody peace and it is that which will manifest to others. Glory to the transformation within and without.
The golden sound of silence emanates from within and permeates all around you to transform the discordant to the beauty of eternal life.
Silence is requested as a state of being to enable each special soul to connect through the reflection of inner peace.
We are all equal within the silence.