Enlightenment on Peace

An Enlightenment is a contemplation, a meditation, an inspiration to which you can respond in your own way, to bring that truth to life.

An Enlightenment on Peace


Peace was born with the Elohim

Peace was born with God

Peace is part of the living Creation, a vital component part of all that exists within the auspices of the Earth and the universe beyond.

Peace is a brother and sisterhood of Light, it is the very basic need of every human being. For without it there is only conflict, chaos and destruction.


Where is this Peace in our lives, our world, our awareness of one another?

Where is this Peace when we face the challenges of life and where is it finally when we leave this wondrous yet beleaguered planet?

Where is it in poverty, in pain and deprivation. Where is it when we weep for dreams or loved ones lost in the sands of time?


Should we seek it in silence, in old books that speak of such things?

Can we make it, fabricate it, can we buy it or take it from others? And, if we find it, can we keep it or do we give it away forever seeking its return?


Peace allows Love to flourish and yet without Love how can there be Peace?


These are the questions that we could now answer for ourselves. These are the questions that could liberate us all. For Peace lies within the heart of every Living Being upon the Earth it resides within the Soul, sometimes long left ignored, lying latent but waiting patiently its moment to rise again.


Peace cannot be owned or controlled but it can be given and received.

Peace does not limit action, it expands it. It is Peace that allows Harmony, Joy. It is Peace that will allow us to build again a Heaven Upon the Earth.


It is the desire for Peace that will end the desire for war, end the greed, the quest for a soulless world run by technology, an artificial intelligence replacing the real intelligence of Life. That is not progress. The true progress lies in each human being upon the planet reconnecting with the Earth, with eachother and with Soul within each one, then and only then will we move beyond the peaceless state we have achieved and begin again in a way that allow Love to rise again as the predominant motivating force within humankind.


When then will we value Peace over the need for retribution, the need to be right, the need to own what is not ours to have. When will we value Peace over our own selfish desires, our attachment to pleasure and therefore to pain? When will we value Peace over material gain, the pursuit of personal power? When will we value Peace of mind over the constant need for outer stimulation, the attention of others or meeting the needs and expectations of others.


When will feel gratitude for our lives and share of our abundance if we have it to others in need, for these things bring Peace. Peace was born with Life. It is ours to seek and come to know.


Do not believe it is for others to provide that Peace for you. It is a personal responsibility. Do not believe that the power for Peace lies in the hands of others, whether they be those close to you or the vast nations of the world. Do not wait for the governments, the leaders, the authorities, the corporations, the religions even, to provide Peace for you. The desire for Peace must rise now from within the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world and then the tides will change and that which lies within the positive potential for this time can be achieved.


Peace is a choice.

It comes from acceptance.

Peace is unconditional.

It has the power, once awakened to transmute all conflict, all suffering and all pain.

Peace is Love.

It is a coming home.


Imagine Peace…

Believe in Peace…

Give Peace…

…And Peace will be yours. As you share it, it will grow, for it is part of Nature, your own as well as that of all other things within the one true principle of Creation.


I believe in Peace

So Be It