It is a delight to speak on a subject so close to our hearts and also rejoice that the time has eventually come when many are ready to hear of the true achievement, rather than that which has become part of the destruction of human life and its purpose upon the Earth.
If you think of that which rises from deep within the earth and expresses itself eventually through the crust, you would see the geysers, the springs, the warm mountain breezes that flow over waterfalls and lakes as the waters of life make the inexorable journey towards the oceans and the fulfilment and expansion that comes when one droplet of water finally expands into the wholeness of the oceans, sharing its own individualised journey into the oneness and enriching the ocean in so doing. Even within that oneness the individual journey remains, a unique reflection on the purpose of the water to rise and to find its way to the sea.
All of life vibrates to the same purpose, the same flow, the same reality of God, seeking through the individualisation, the journeying and the rejoicing to bring through the experience, knowledge and expansion to God itself.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts & as above so below
The same analogy is so for the soul, that individualisation into life and beginning simultaneously its journey back to the whole.
The true achievement is not the merging into the wholeness for that is inevitable, it is the colour and fragrance of the journey, its unique contribution to the Mind of God. Oh how we wish humankind could reawaken to the inner knowledge of this truth and its purpose. We now rely on you to bring this about.
In so many ways humanity became lost when the sense of the expression of the soul became lost within the self. As soon as Man turned his mind away from the soul and towards the outer world the connection became tenuous and the achievement of external gain became more important as a motivation than that which the soul within was seeking to achieve. The focus became placed upon gaining more, material riches for the self and eventually this led to separation, fragmentation of the unity and community, the very fabric of life, and the measures of success became not that which could be contributed to the whole through the journey of the individual but purely what could be amassed for the self. Success became measured by the comparison of amassments one to another, competition rose but also the fear of losing what had been gained and therefore the consequent desire to protect the amassment from being pillaged. So also arose anger, violence and the path of destruction. Love became less and less the focus, the seeds of evil had planted and the rest, so to speak, is history: Man turned away from God’s Law and toward his own law, that of greed and self-empowerment.
It is easy then to see how the motivation for life moved so far away from the path of the soul and the true essence of Creation, but now is the time of the return. The vast changes that began in 2020 are part of this return and until Man allows himself again to draw his motivation from Love, the suffering will continue.
Each one has the power to take personal responsibility and in so doing bring change for the better. This is what we hope for and this is what can be achieved. It is in the hands of each one.
Achievement is a harmonising between that which has been chosen and the purpose of the soul.
Success is the experience of oneness with that purpose.
Purpose is that which rises within and motivates the journey of life forward towards fulfilment.
And that fulfilment is expressed in one word and one word only and that is Love.
Bridging Minds 2023